Gearing Up for Summer Learning

The Cameron Parish Summer School Program will begin on Tuesday, May 27th and end on Friday, June 6th (includes Fridays). The program will include 9 days of intensive remediation.  The program’s hours will be from 7:30 – 12:00 daily.  More details will be sent out in the coming weeks for qualifying students.   


**LDOE Amended Window**

In January, all 3rd grade parents received a letter from the Cameron Parish School Board with details regarding ACT 422 (End of Year Literacy Screener). Originally, CPSB scheduled the second EOY Benchmark Test for May 13 – 15; however, LDOE has amended the testing window to open on May 27th.  If a student scores “well below benchmark” in April, they will receive remediation through the end of the school year and be tested again on May 27th

Students who meet the “below benchmark” standard on May 27th will not be required to attend the remainder of the scheduled summer school days. Those students who still score “well below benchmark” will be given the opportunity to attend summer school through June 6th and will take the 3rd administration of the DIBELS literacy screener on June 6th.  Students must score at least “below benchmark” for promotion to 4th grade.  
